Sunday, July 24, 2011

Can one survive without pizza?

In Ifè, it is not easy to find pizza.  In fact, it is almost as challenging as learning to speak the Yorùbá language! In the beginning, it was easy to talk about our favorite American foods and feel satisfied without actually eating them.  At the start of week 5, we had a break down.  We were determined to order pizza, no matter the cost.  Once I got a hold of a pizza boy on campus, we submitted our order: 4 cheese pizzas.  Not knowing what to expect at all, we were full of anxiety and high expectations.  Once the pizza boy reached my house, I sprinted to meet him I was so excited.  When he first got out of the car, I thought to myself, “Where’s the pizza?” My heart sunk. He was in fact holding our four pizzas, but they were TINY.  We were expecting something similar to a medium/large size American pizza. At this point, I had to laugh.  We knew it wasn’t going to be similar to American pizza, but we just couldn’t allow ourselves to have anything but high expectations.  In spite of the size and the outrageous total cost, we enjoyed the pizza and crammed in front of a friend’s computer to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. 

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