Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Blessed with an AWESOME host family

     My host family is freaking awesome! To give you an idea, my host siblings and I were singing “Party in the USA” last night. Apparently Miley Cirius knows no borders.  Truly, I could not have asked for a better family.  I have a mother and a father.  When I speak to my host parents, I usually refer to them as Miss Ajibade and Dr. Ajibade.  I also have 3 younger siblings—2 sisters and 1 brother: Bisola (15) Tofunmi (13) and Samuel (10).  They are all soooo funny.  They also help me with everything.  One of my favorite parts of Nigeria so far has been spending time with my family.  I think this is because they make me feel like I am at home here in Nigeria.  Also, their personalities are quite similar to my siblings back home.  Tofunmi is just like Mary.  She is sweet, yet sassy.  She is really smart and has an outstanding work ethic.  She knows how to push her sister’s buttons like any good sister does.  Bisola and I are quite similar as well.  She is a bit quieter and less aggressive.  She is the oldest girl.  She hates Math and loves to talk.  She is understanding and compassionate. Although she doesn’t snort, she loves to giggle.  Samuel is Joe.  He is hilarious and he LOVES video games.  When I am with them, we always have a good time.  He always wears a happy expression and his handwriting can be equated with Joe’s.  When I am with them, we always have a good time.  Without them in Nigeria, I would be lost. The dad, Mr. Ajibade is also much like my dad. He thinks he is funny…and sometimes is J He loves to walk around without a shirt on.  He drinks coffee and loves to goof around with the kids.  Although Mr. Ajibade does not garden, he eats ONLY fresh food.  He would be in vegetable heaven on the Marx homestead, just as dad is. Basically, I have an outstanding family who treats me as one of their own.  Just yesterday, my host mom said, “It feels like we have known you for such a long time.”  (Insert big Anne grin)

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